In today’s world it’s unbelievable how much information we can find at the touch of a button. Carrying hundreds of web results on the phones in our pockets, gone are the days of sifting through a multitude of library books; guiding us in more efficient studying and essay writing.
But, the immense variety of information and research made available to us leads us to the question, how do I know if the information I am sourcing is reliable?
Using reliable sources is vital in maintaining integrity and accuracy in your work, that’s why we’ve put together a list of reliable news sources to help you.
1. Google Scholar
Google Scholar is a great academic tool encompassing a variety of academic resources which includes reports, studies and articles. Gathering materials from academic publishers, professional societies and other universities, this tool is a great way to get a feel for the tone of academic writing and to explore different points of view.
2. BBC News
When researching for your assignments, exploring news sources can be a useful way to gather industry related trends to give you a wider vision. However, with so many speculative news sites now available, it may be worth sticking to more mainstream channels to mitigate inaccuracy of information. BBC News is a sensible suggestion, with the feature to search topics and find up-to-date articles.
3. Academic Databases
Academic databases are a great way to find highly relevant information in your field of study. It is worth noting, however, that Google and academic databases work differently. Google doesn’t mind long phrases and sentences whereas academic databases expect more specific search terms to be used instead. Knowing this difference will help you to achieve more.
4. Google Books
Using a mix of old and new research methods, Google Books is a helpful online tool in finding offline resources that may benefit your studies. The platform allows users to browse through an index of thousands of books that include your search terms, allowing you to identify those that are most relevant to your studies and read up on the reviews to assess credibility before purchasing.
5. Gov.UK
As a government official body, it’s always a good idea to check if there are any studies or research papers available for your study topic. The online tool is easy to use, providing a variety of government-certified findings and statistics that may help to validate points made in your essays.
It may not always be easy to distinguish between web pages that are reliable and those that aren’t, but some general tips include using up-to-date information by checking the date of the publication or page, and using information published by businesses affiliated to your industry or field of study. Remember, the library team are always there to help you too.
If you have any helpful suggestions to add to our list of reliable sources, let us know on social – we’d love to share!