Before enrolment, you should receive instructions to the email address you provided for your application.
The email will include information on the steps you need to take before arriving on campus and any documentation you will need to bring to enrolment.
Important enrolment information
You are responsible for undertaking your own enrolment.
The following points should be noted:
- you must enrol at the beginning of each year of your course;
- enrolment forms must be signed by an appropriate academic or administrator;
- if you are in debt to the University you cannot enrol until the debt is cleared;
- in signing the enrolment form you agree to abide by all University rules and regulations;
- temporary enrolment for up to three months may be granted if you are a full-time student and cannot fulfil all conditions at the time of enrolment;
- enrolment may be cancelled by Senate if you fail to keep to the University rules and regulations;
- if you are on leave of absence you do not need to enrol during the period of leave but must enrol when you return to the University.
You are responsible for:
- Notifying student services of any changes to your personal details, such as change of address or any changes to your course;
- Keeping up to date with University notices – notably by accessing University channels of communication such as the student portal, email, noticeboards and the IT infrastructure;
- keeping in regular contact with your Studies Adviser.
QA Higher Education’s attendance policy has been developed to ensure students are receiving the best learning possible and can achieve their full potential. The policy outlines attendance requirements for students.
QA Higher Education General Regulations for Students state:
1. Students must be punctual and regular in their attendance at such classes or other forms of instruction as may be prescribed.
2. Students shall keep the prescribed dates for their programmes of study and may have to fulfil such additional requirements either in vacation or in intercalary periods as may be specified in course regulations.
3. A student who has been absent without permission for more than three days through illness or other cause must notify immediately either the Course Director or Student Services team. Where the absence is for a period of more than five working days, and/or caused by illness which may affect the student’s studies, the student shall arrange for a medical certificate to be presented.
4. Students may apply in accordance with rules approved by the Senate for a period of leave of absence from their programmes of study. Applications shall be considered on behalf of the Senate by the Board of the Faculty.
5. A student who for any reason intends to withdraw from the University before the completion of the programme of study must inform the Registry Office.
6. The Board of Faculty shall deem a student to have withdrawn from the University if the student has been absent without leave from prescribed instruction for a period of four weeks or an aggregate of four weeks within the semester.
Student Route Visa Attendance Guidelines – International Students Only
As an international student you need to be aware that you are required to attend and progress on your programme of study in order to remain compliant with UK Visa & Immigration (UKVI) visa conditions. One of the UKVI’s Student route visa conditions is that students must not miss 10 consecutive sessions. Should this occur, or it be deemed you are not be engaging in your studies, the University will be required to withdraw sponsorship and report this to UKVI. At this point the UKVI will commence proceedings to cancel your visa.
In exceptional circumstances Student visa students may choose to defer their studies due to personal or medical reasons. Students must complete a leave of absence request form, and provide reasons for deferral, along with any supporting evidence. The University will support students who defer their studies and will report this back to the UKVI. On deferral of a programme of study, a student visa is curtailed by the UKVI, and when the student wishes to return to study, they will require a new CAS and a new visa. This is dependant on the length of time of the deferral, and will be clarified on an individual basis with each student concerned. Students choosing to defer their studies must return home during the period of deferral.
Sanctions in the event of non-attendance
Where a student’s attendance is unsatisfactory, one or more of the following actions may be taken.
1. Seek an explanation from the student for their non-attendance. Discuss how their attendance must improve and recommend appropriate support.
2. Issue the student with a verbal or written warning.
3. Require those students who fail to respond to warnings to attend a meeting with their Course Director.
4. Where applicable, inform the student’s sponsor, the Student Loan Company, or other stakeholder (e.g. their employer) of the student’s poor attendance.
5. Inform an international student holding a Student route visa that the University is require to notify the UKVI of withdrawal resulting from unsatisfactory attendance.
6. Withdraw the student from their programme of study and, where applicable, withdraw sponsorship of the student through a report to the UKVI, or inform the relevant Student Loan Company, if a student fails to respond to the warnings above or breaches the regulations as outlined within this policy.
In enrolling as a student you accept the following six conditions:
1. that you have checked and, where necessary, amended and updated your data accurately and fully;
2. that the University may process your data in accordance with the Data Protection Act;
3. that you agree to abide by the Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and Rules of the University for the time being in force, including the University’s acceptable computer use policy;
4. that you grant consent to the submission of your work to electronic systems for the detection of plagiarism;
5. that you are, ultimately, liable personally for the payment of tuition fees unpaid by sponsors.
6. that you agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions of Ulster University London & Birmingham Branch campuses. Please click here to view terms and conditions.
At Online enrolment, you will be issued with a University email account. The University will use this to communicate with you and you are expected to check your University email account regularly and frequently (at least weekly) for important correspondence.
You are also expected to use the Student Portal to obtain information relating to registration and enrolment, examinations (including timetables, decisions of boards of examiners and examination marks) and graduation.
Pre-enrolment Checklist
When enrolling please ensure you have the necessary documentation with you, making certain of the date, time and location of your enrolment. All students are required to attend an enrolment session.
If you’re a new student, you will need:
- Payment for fees (where appropriate); or acceptable evidence that fees will be paid by or sponsor;
- Your passport and visa;
- Documentary evidence (original copies and not photocopies) of all examinations taken from GCSE level (or equivalent) onwards. (If you have been accepted through the UCAS admissions system on the basis of GCE ‘A’ levels this documentation is not necessary).
If you are an International student you will also be required to provide:
- Documentary evidence of SELT (minimum overall score 6.0 with no component below 5.5) and
- A copy of your current VISA
Normally, if you are enrolling on a postgraduate course you will only be required to produce evidence relating to your primary degree, unless specified otherwise.
Personal Information
When filling out forms present your details exactly as they are on your birth certificate/ passport/ driving licence. At time of registration some students may not know their full term-time address, if so, please notify student services immediately when this information is known.
Please ensure that you have all the necessary documentation with you at the time of your enrolment.
If you have a disability and have problems undertaking enrolment as outlined in the following procedures, alternative methods are available on request.
There are four stages to the enrolment process:
Step 1: Meeting with the Compliance team – provide passport, visa and certificates
Step 2: Payment of fees
Step 3: Online registration*, ID card photograph and collect timetable
*Online Registration (Step 4 of the enrolment process above)
To login to your record, you will need your student registration number and PIN. The PIN will automatically be set to your date of birth (ddmmyy) until changed. If needed, there will be staff on hand to help with any queries.
In entering the online enrolment system, you will be asked to go through your details to ensure the information is correct or whether it needs to be amended, this will include information such as programme details, module selection and address details.
It is particularly important that your address details are correct as correspondence will be sent to you from time to time, such as information on your modules and examination timetables.
You can access your record at
You must check your record before attending your first class (you will normally get an opportunity to do this during the induction process) and notify your campus Student Services immediately if any corrections/amendments are required.
Student ID Cards
On successful completion of enrolment and normally before the first day of class you will be issued with a student ID card. Your personal details along with the course and modules of study and exam and coursework marks may be accessed on the record login. There is a £5 charge for the re-issue of a student ID card. You will be required to wear your ID card at all times whilst attending the University.
In order to deregister you should initially speak to your Course Director or a member of Student Services, and a member of Student Finance to fully understand any financial implications.
If you have to suspend your studies because of illness or because of caring responsibilities, it may not be possible for you to immediately re-join your course. If you are in this position, speak to a member of the Student Welfare team who will be able to provide you with advice on options open to you and/or any entitlements.
Important steps to follow to complete Deregistration:
1. Seek Advice from your Course Director and ensure you understand all financial implications
2. Complete the Leave of Absence or Discontinuation of Studies Request Form on the Portal and submit to Student Services
3. Complete a Student Record Amendment Form with your Course Director
The Deregistration Policy giving step by step guidance on how to complete this process can be found on the Student Academic Services website.
Please keep a copy of the official deregistration form as you will be required to show this as evidence of withdrawal to Student Finance England and the University if there is any discrepancy.
Implications if the Deregistration Form is not completed:
In circumstances where you are unable to complete the deregistration form on the portal, the date of deregistration will be taken as the date the Course Director signs the Student Record Amendment Form and deregistration cannot be backdated to an earlier deregistration date. This may result in a repayment of fees or lead to arrears concerning loans.
If you are receiving financial support then you have a duty to inform your funding body that you have deregistered from your course of study.
Graduation information
Graduation ceremonies are a highlight for our students, their families, and also our staff. Graduation is a significant milestone for every student, it gives you the platform to springboard to achieving career ambitions and shaping your future aspirations.
All winter, spring and summer graduation ceremonies are held in London.
In order to attend, you must have successfully completed your course and paid all fees and any debts owing to the University. If you are in debt to us, your award will not be conferred.
Applications to attend graduation is made by completing a Graduation Registration Form; which is emailed to all students eligible to graduate. Completed forms must be returned by email to the Finance Office.