Our Student Welfare Team are always on hand to support you with any queries or personal matters that you may come across during your studies. Our friendly team are here to help, so do not be afraid to ask for their support and advice, no matter how big or small you think your issue is.

We recognise that flourishing at university is determined as much by your wellbeing as it is by your academic ability: if you feel healthy and content within yourself and your environment, then you are far more likely to perform to the best of your academic ability.

We hope these guides and resources encourage you to take responsibility for your own health and wellbeing and empower you to seek help when you need it. Don’t feel shy about reaching out – that’s what we’re here for!

The Welfare team can be contacted in a number of ways:


Phone: +44 (0)121 756 9578

On campus: Branch Campuses

Monday – Friday                 9am-5pm

In addition to the services below, we have put together a selection of helpful guides and resources, available to download to support you throughout your studies.

Other resources

Should you wish to speak to someone outside of normal working hours the following websites may be helpful for you:

Our Student Welfare Team are always on hand to support you with any queries or personal matters that you may come across during your studies. Our friendly team are here to help, so do not be afraid to ask for their support and advice, no matter how big or small you think your issue is.

  • Karen – Welfare Manager
  • Alex B – Welfare Advisor/Deputy Safeguarding Lead – London
  • Sarah – Welfare Advisor – Manchester
  • Ashleigh – Welfare Advisor – Manchester
  • Kirsty – Welfare Advisor – London
  • Beth– Welfare Advisor – London
  • Alex G – Welfare Advisor – Birmingham
  • Javeria – Welfare advisor – Birmingham
  • Lucy – Clinical Lead
  • Sarah – Mental Health Practitioner – London
  • Eloise – Mental Health Practitioner – London
  • Nick – Mental Health Practitioner – Birmingham
  • Scharine – Mental Health Practitioner – Manchester
  • Heather – Counsellor
  • Jo – Counsellor

Phone: +44 (0)121 756 9578

Email: qahe.welfare@qa.com

QA Mental Health Support

Access dedicated support from our mental health practitioners in person or online.

Email:  qahe.mentalhealthsupport@qa.com


Togetherall is a free and anonymous online community available 24/7 to all of our students looking for mental health support and a sense of connection. Share your worries and questions with others experiencing the same struggles and learn more about how to adjust to life’s challenges. Moderated by professionals to keep you safe, Togetherall is here for you. Register here for Togetherall with your student email address.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, suicidal or just need someone to talk to you can contact the Samaritans, who are open 24 hours a day, on 166 123 or visit http://www.samaritans.org.uk.

Alternatively, if you are already in contact with your local mental health services, then you could call them for support and assistance.

Student Minds
Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity. Their Student Space will be available 24/7 throughout the holidays.

Support services:


Free 24/7 confidential crisis text based support service.

Contact No: 85258

Website: giveusashout.org


a charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.

Call: 0800 068 41 41

Text: 07860 039967

Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org

Website: papyrus-uk.org

Emergency Services
If you need to, or have already done so, call 999 to get some immediate help.

We are here for you. We have put together a handful of helpful guides to offer support to you whilst you are studying with us.

You can speak to a member of the National Domestic Violence Helpline team. The team will provide a listening ear if you want to talk about your experiences and support you to work through your options in the short and long term. The Helpline can also help you to access refuge accommodation, or other specialist domestic violence services, if you need them.

The below helplines are available 24/7:
Women’s and Children’s Advice line: 0808 200 0247
Men’s Advice line: 0808 801 0327

RSVP – Rape and Sexual Violence Project

Call: 0121 643 0301

Website: rsvporg.co.uk

Muslim Women’s Network

Call: 0800 999 5786

Website: mwnuk.co.uk

GALOP – the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity

Website: galop.org.uk

Emergency Services
If you or a member of your family are in immediate danger call 999 to get some immediate help.

We have put together an information pack to offer support to any students that may be experiencing signs of domestic violence.

Domestic violence and abuse guide

If you require health advice, due to current concerns or if not sure about an urgent medical problem your first decision may be to head to the hospital when you may not need to.

Contact your local GP (doctor) service, or contact the NHS Helpline on 111 available 24 hours every day. You can also call 18001 111 on a textphone.

For non-emergency situations, where it is not immediate danger call 101.

Emergency Services
Call 999 to get some immediate help, if there is immediate danger, of injury or loss of life.

Anxiety, panic attacks, etc.

nhs.uk/mentalhealthhelplines, www.mind.org.uk

Victim support

Tel. 0808 1689 111, www.victimsupport.org.uk

Rape Crisis London

rapecrisis.org.uk (support and specialist care for victims of rape and sexual abuse)

If you require housing advice contact an expert housing advisor on 0808 800 4444. They are open 8am-8pm weekdays, 9am-5pm on weekends.

If your situation is urgent and you have nowhere to sleep, might be homeless soon, are at risk of harm or feeling very overwhelmed about your housing situation, then you can call the emergency helpline on 0808 1644 660.

You may also be able to contact your local Council for advice and assistance.

Rape Crisis
The national Rape Crisis helpline is open 12 noon – 2.30pm and 7 – 9.30pm every day of the year.

You can call them on:
Women’s advice line: 0808 802 9999
National Male Survivors Helpline: 0808 800 5005

Emergency Services
You may also wish to make a report to the Police on 101 (non-emergency) or if you are in immediate danger contact 999.

The recent events between Hamas and Israel have been an intense escalation of the ongoing conflict.

The devastating loss of life and the continuing military action will have caused distress to students who are directly affected, indirectly affected, or concerned about the increase in conflict both in the region and here in the UK.

While peaceful protest and the ability to debate is part of the UK’s democratic society, bullying, hate speech, inciting hatred, inciting or performing violence is illegal and a crime against society.

Seek Support
If you are anxious, grieving or affected by the conflict and would like to speak to the Welfare Team for some support, or ways to cope with stress or anxiety, details to contact the Welfare Team are at the end of this newsletter.

What can I do?
If you would like to help and give assistance by having an active role in supporting the humanitarian effort, find out more information, or be a part in the call for peace, there are many ways to get involved, including supporting a number of charity appeals such as the Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, Medical Aid Palestine.

Keeping safe online
With all financial contributions online, it is worth making sure you know where your money is going first – double check the organisation is real and is being shared by a trustworthy source. We are aware of an increased number of phishing attempts via email, text and phone call to both work and personal accounts. Scammers are using the humanitarian crisis as leverage to try to con people out of money under the pretense that people are donating money to help the crisis effort.

If you receive such a call (or a similar contact by any other means, for example email or text):

  • Do not give the caller/sender any personal information or banking information
  • Do not confirm that any information they have is correct
  • Do not make any payment
  • Report it to Action Fraud

“War … is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children.”
Jimmy Carter – former USA President 2002

The current conflict unfolding in Ukraine is something we are monitoring closely. We are saddened to see the horrific events occurring and will do everything we can to support all our students, staff, and wider communities.

Please know that whatever your nationality, you are not alone. We are here to support you in any way we can, particularly those who are from and have family and friends in Ukraine, Russia, and the surrounding regions. More than ever, this a time for unity and mutual support and not one to spread division or hate. We are stronger if we face this crisis together.

During this crisis it is critical we all stay informed and look for unbiased and factual information from reputable sources. We understand the news coverage and saturation of the events unfolding are horrific, so please take time to switch off and recharge away from the news. Please be kind and respect the different ways this crisis will be impacting everyone.

Support for students

Study support
Some students may find it difficult to focus on their studies at this time. Anyone struggling with academic work should first talk to their tutor, who will be able to offer support and advice.

Additionally, you may wish to seek study support from our ACE team. 

Mental health and Wellbeing support
Students can contact the Welfare team for support with their mental health and wellbeing, either on their own behalf or if they are worried about another student.

Financial Support
Students suffering financial hardship as a direct result of the crisis in Ukraine should apply to the hardship fund through the Welfare team.

The Welfare team can be contacted in a number of ways:

Phone: +44 (0)121 756 9578


On campus: Branch Campuses

Monday – Friday                 9am-5.00pm

Saturday                                10am-4.30pm

Student Relations Newsletter
Please keep checking your emails for our Student Relations Newsletters, which will contain details of the online and on-campus sessions available for students to join.

At Ulster University’s Branch Campuses we understand the needs of young people who may have lived in care as a child. If you are registered as a care leaver our Welfare Team understands that support and advice starts before the first day of teaching. Therefore we would encourage you to contact us as soon as you know you would like to study on one of our campuses. We have welfare staff based in our branch campuses and we are very happy to offer you help and support before, during and at the end of your studies.

Careers page